From 1888 until 1903 a Rock Island photographer named Oscar Hakelier worked from his studio in downtown Rock Island. He called it the "Vienna Photographic Studio," and it was located at 1722 Second Avenue. As he worked he took many...

Come to the Main Library for Anime Night! Watch anime online, enjoy Japanese snacks, and learn to write Japanese hiragana characters. 図書館へようこそ! (This means "Welcome to the library!")...

We will discuss a book from the Bluestem Illinois Children's Choice Award nominee list. In February we will vote on our favorite!...

Free, drop-tech help with devices, email, internet, etc from a Rock Island Librarian. Let us help you figure it out!...

Peer pressure can be positive, too, so a number of Rock Island community partners are banding together to encourage everyone to read over summer by launching the Rock Town Reads "Show Us Your Book" social media campaign. Summer is an...

Thrill to the skills of Mark Hanson, 2-time Guiness world record holder for speed juggling, his daughter, Christa, a national unicycle champ, and more family juggling and unicycle amazement. Volunteer for the juggling Tornado of Doom, see the tricks the family...