Welcome to Downtown Rock Island

Downtown Rock Island is the historic hub of commerce and culture in Rock Island, Illinois, the county seat of Rock Island County in the Quad Cities. Its formation of an arts and entertainment district in the 1990s sparked a steady stream of successes, including a reemergence of residential living in historic, mixed-use buildings.


Today, the resilient riverfront business district is home to many residents and a unique mix of large employers, restaurants, specialty shops and entertainment establishments. A new wave of public and private investment is paving the way for community-based revitalization efforts and future growth.

  • What’s Up Downtown is a quarterly update on all things downtown Rock Island from Jack Cullen, Executive Director of the Rock Island Downtown Alliance.  Downtown Rock Island is on the move. A vibrant holiday season...

  • Valentine’s Day-themed event features exclusive promos & prizes from participating businesses The Rock Island Downtown Alliance in partnership with Lavish Salon & Spa and Afterimage Boutique are excited to...

  • The Rock Island Downtown Alliance received a High Five award for Community Development & Reinvestment for the renovation of Arts Alley from the Development Association of Rock Island (DARI). The $534,000 proje...

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