Not a week goes by where I don’t hear that someone is surprised by a hidden gem in downtown Rock Island that they seemingly rediscovered, even though what they found had been lying right in front of them all along.
As a general rule, many longtime residents take for granted the amount of small treasures hidden in plain sight. While we become familiar with our routines and our surroundings, visitors often have a childlike wonder for what we’ve got to offer here in our beautiful river town.
It should go without saying that we all appreciate where we live, work, and play. However, sometimes you really have to show that love by getting out of your comfort zone and touring the town like a tourist.
I know our day-to-day lives are as busy and hectic as ever. Why is it though, that it takes someone else to tell us how good things are around us. We are tough Midwesterners; we hunker down through very brutal winters. In the spring we tend to thaw out and look for reasons to get out of the house. Now with the summer months upon us, I can’t think of anything more enjoyable than to discover our downtown where activity is bursting at the seams.
Downtown Rock Island has so much to offer and a wide variety depending on your interests. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty along the Mississippi River at Schwiebert Park, take a bike ride on the Great River Trail, and explore the Quad City Botanical Center. Enjoy an eclectic mix of restaurants, sip craft cocktails, and pick up some farm fresh produce. Experience a rich local art scene, take in a yoga class, or laugh the night away. Please make yourself at home. We do.
Erik Reader
Executive Director Downtown Rock Island Partnership