Construction Updates: Deadline coming for new water/sewer service


The construction schedule for the next couple weeks:

Current Work Week (June 10, 2024)

  • Water main installation

Two-Week Look Ahead (June 17, 2024)

  • Water main installation

The bulk of work being done in downtown Rock Island right now is underground, so it doesn’t look like much is happening at the surface level. It will continue to look like that for the next couple of months while utilities are being relocated and removed and water main is being installed. One way to gauge progress is to watch how much material (mainly pipe) is leaving the staging area at the intersection of 18th Street and 3rd Avenue.

Here are a few other updates and items to note:

  • Valley Construction is coordinating with MidAmerican Energy to install temporary lighting along 18th Street between 1st and 3rd Ave
  • Atlanta Dawn is hard at work on the east wall of Arts Alley
  • Muralist Nicole Salgar begins work on the west wall next week