Arts Alley murals

Timely parking, murals and construction updates

Construction work happening now

Current Work Week (June 24, 2024) 

  • Water main installation east along the 1800 block of 3rd Avenue toward 19th Street
    • The mid-block alley on the north side of the block will remain open to local traffic only
    • The project team is evaluating alternative access points
  • Water main installation west from the 18th Street/3rd Avenue intersection into the 1700 block of 3rd Avenue
    • As soon as June 25, parking will be slightly reduced around the 18th Street/3rd Avenue intersection
    • Crews will remove an additional 65 feet of pavement to the west of the 18th Street/3rd Avenue intersection and 50 feet of pavement to the south of the intersection as they connect to the existing water main by US Bank

Two-Week Look Ahead (July 1, 2024)

  • Work week will be short (July 1-July 3)
  • Water main installation is expected to finish at the 18th Street/3rd Avenue intersection
  • Water main installation will start north from the 18th Street/2nd Avenue intersection to 1st Avenue

Temporary Lighting

  • Temporary lighting will be operational as soon as June 24-25 along 18th Street between 1st and 3rd Avenues

New public parking available

  • Downtown stakeholders are encouraged to park in the public lots highlighted on the map, including the newly City-leased lot at 101 17th Street. This parking lot will be available for public use through the end of the year.

Arts Alley murals are complete

One of the largest public art projects in Rock Island’s history has officially finished with the addition of two large-scale murals on the upper-story walls of the public pedestrian space at 1719 2nd Avenue. Muralist Atlanta Dawn of the Quad Cities produced the work on the east wall, and artist Nicole Salgar of Miami completed the west wall mural. Go check out the space in-person and share your photos on social media using #ArtsAlleyQC.