SEED Rock Island

The Downtown Rock Island Partnership has collaborated with Economic Growth Corporation and Bridge Investment Community Development Corporation to create new programs to assist needs of Rock Island businesses to open, grow, and expand.


Collectively, the package is called “SEED Rock Island” and offers three programs to help immediate and emerging needs of small businesses, and in some cases, can complement other loan programs such as the Commercial Industrial Revolving Loan Fund offered by the City of Rock Island and Revolving Loan Funds by Bi-State Regional Commission.



Rock Start is Rock Island’s first and only startup grant funding initiative that makes $500 investments into its early-stage entrepreneurs looking to take a great idea and turn it into action. Rock Start is funded by private dollars through the Development Association of Rock Island. APPLY NOW



R:Incubate helps start, build and develop your new business in one of two downtown Rock Island incubation spaces dedicated to the retail and wellness sectors. These locations are owned and managed by Economic Growth Corporation and the Development Association of Rock Island. Incubation helps expand your network, allows you to share resources, provides real-time feedback about your business, and receive a lower monthly rent rate. APPLY NOW



riGrow is an innovative micro-lending program which is funded by Bridge Investment Community Development Corporation, offers short-term, low-interest loans up to $10,000 to local businesses in the 61201 zip code to expand their operations. APPLY NOW



The SEED Rock Island programs are now open for applications. For more information, please contact the Downtown Rock Island Partnership to get started today.