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07/25/2017 @ 5:00 pm
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Did you know cannabinoids are much, much more than just marijuana? It’s time to go beyond the blunt – it’s time to learn the truth! CBD’s have exploded onto the medical and political scene as a miracle cure-all that can positively impact everything from asthma and arthritis to cancer. Countless scientific studies have been done to support these claims, and yet the FDA is reluctant to recognize CBD’s as a legitimate treatment. What’s going on? Is this just a fad, or are CBD’s a healing therapy that will benefit millions? Remove the politics, money, and stereotypes and come learn. Join us to truly understand how cannabinoids work, the corruption that is keeping them from the public, and how they can change your life! We will be live streaming this event, you can’t miss it! NOTE: Dr. Patrick Flynn Dr. Stacey Willey and The Wellness Way does not support, promote or endorse recreational smoking of marijuana. We are referring to the use of cannabinoids, a group of terpenophenolic compounds found in cannabis, which can be eaten, juiced, reduced to oil or turned into a cream