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Quad City Arts EXHIBIT with David Gregory
Free Admission

with Lianne Westcot / Davenport Hot Glass
July 7 – August 18
On exhibit from July 7th through August 18th 2017, will be paintings by David Gregory of Peoria, Illinois and Lianne Westcot of Solon, Iowa with blown glass pieces by Davenport’s Hot Glass instructors and students.

David Gregory presents “Pas de Deux: The Sandburg Series.” Gregory was inspired by poems written by Carl Sandberg. As a realist landscape painter who grew up in central Illinois and later built an art studio on an Illinois farm, he was drawn to Sandburg’s poems that are descriptive of the rural Midwest landscape.

Lianne Westcot’s recent work focuses on Midwest structures like barns and bridges that are going by the wayside. Using mixed media and acrylic on canvas, she recreates the structures’ patina. Her renderings of scenic barns and bridges are accompanied by lush depictions of Iowa fields and foliage.
Davenport’s Hot Glass studio began working with area Veterans through the Quad City Vets Center, at the end of 2016. Pleshette Butler, director of the Quad-Cities Vets Center, said she thinks the program is “therapeutic” for veterans who battle bouts of anxiety, anger or depression associated with PTSD. “They get to work together as a team just like they do in the military,” Butler said. “They learn a lot and it gives them a sense of pride when they complete a project.” Director of Hot Glass, Joel Ryser, along with his assistants and participating vets will show the results of their teamwork during this summer exhibition.
The public is invited to meet the artists and enjoy complimentary food and beverages from 7-9 pm on July 7th at Quad City Arts in Rock Island.