Midwife / denver midwifeco.bandcamp.com American Grandma / denver americangrandma.bandcamp.com Kevin Greenspon / LA kevingreenspon.bandcamp.com ​ ​$5-10 sliding scale | all ages 7p doors | 8p show ambient shoegaze / dream-pop / ambient left-field techno...

Persona a film by Ingmar Bergman 1966 | Sweden | drama | 1h 21m | NR screening in VHS format free admission | 17+ ages ​8p screening...

Mdou Moctar (sahel sounds) / Niger ​In the crowded scene of Tuareg guitarists, Mdou Moctar stands apart from his peers. Playing in the repertoire of desert guitar popularized by groups like Tinariwen and Bombino, Mdou is pushing the boundaries of the...

Jag är nyfiken - en film i gult [I Am Curious (Yellow)] a film by Vilgot Sjöman 1969 | Sweden | 2h 1m | drama | X free admission | 18+ ages only ​8p screening  ...

Harakiri / MN harakiriofficial.bandcamp.com Closet Witch / IA closetwitch.bandcamp.com Pulsing / QC pulsing8bit.bandcamp.com Bereft / WI bereftwi.bandcamp.com Better Now / TX betternow.bandcamp.com Sea of Trees / QC,MI Avoid. / IA avoidmusic.bandcamp.com The Central / WI thecentral.bandcamp.com Piss Exorcist / IA pissexorcist.bandcamp.com Trophy Husband / KS trophyhusband2.bandcamp.com Chill Smith / QC Everlasting Light / QC Dee Pretion / IA $10-15 sliding scale |...

Benjamin Cartel / brooklyn benjamincartel.com Seth Knappen / QC sethknappen.bandcamp.com $5-10 sliding scale | all ages 7p doors | 8p show indie alt pop rock...

For this special Outlet x Northern Parallels collaboration we bring you dj sets from Estonian producer/dj Maria Minerva & NTS radio monthly dj Nick Malkin (Post-Geography), along w Northern Parallels label-head Mike Derer and local selector Higgy. We go until 3am...

Kevin Greenspon / LA kevingreenspon.bandcamp.com Tippy / madison, wi tippymusic.bandcamp.com Pulsing / QC pulsing8bit.bandcamp.com ​Outlet Series: http://www.rozztox.com/outlet.html $5-10 sliding scale | all ages 8p doors | 9p show ambient left-field techno / garage pop / 8bit...

Close Encounters is a reading initiative for readers, writers, and critics. ​Join us as we investigate a first chapter and discuss what makes the reader turn the page. free & open | all ages | event page ​6:30-8p www.mwcqc.org...