Wisenheimer is an uncensored, long form improv comedy show featuring a foursome of veteran improvisers who create intelligent and memorable scenes during their show. The second half features a some long form improv games including our trademark game, Honest Dick!...
ComedySportz features two teams of comedians competing for points and laughs. A referee calls the fouls and keeps the match on track. The best part is that you are the judge, you decide the winners! Every match is rated E....
ComedySportz features two teams of comedians competing for points and laughs. A referee calls the fouls and keeps the match on track. The best part is that you are the judge, you decide the winners! Every match is rated E....
ComedySportz features two teams of comedians competing for points and laughs. A referee calls the fouls and keeps the match on track. The best part is that you are the judge, you decide the winners! Every match is rated E....
ComedySportz features two teams of comedians competing for points and laughs. A referee calls the fouls and keeps the match on track. The best part is that you are the judge, you decide the winners! Every match is rated E....
ComedySportz features two teams of comedians competing for points and laughs. A referee calls the fouls and keeps the match on track. The best part is that you are the judge, you decide the winners! Every match is rated E....
Improvisers present an all-new "lost" play by Shakespeare. Blending classic iambic pentameter and vernacular vulgarity, this show is hilarious, not high brow. You will love it Rated R...