By Tracy Jacks An hour of calmness, without demands, expectations and without anything required of you. Anyone who’s been a visitor to downtown Rock Island knows that it’s never lacking for energy. Just check out the dancefloor at 2nd Ave. on a...

By Sean Leary It was an easy decision to become partners and offer good quality affordable furniture. You’re going to be happy to have a seat at Discounted Furniture. The shop at 2125 3rd Ave. in Rock Island has a wide variety...

By Tracy Jacks Pride in the process is on full display at The Art Place. Who among us doesn’t appreciate some fine art? Nobody likes a barren wall, and nothing makes a house a home quite like some framed paintings, photos,...

By Courtney Loftin An entrepreneurial spirit and good attitude has carried this wonderous antique establishment. Instantly upon arriving at Vivian’s Vintage Varieties I am greeted with the generous smile of an energetic woman in gold wired glasses and her dog. There is...

By Tracy Jacks Brothers were born to showcase craft beer as an art form. The newest entrant in Downtown Rock Island’s beer scene actually comes from two of its most recognizable faces. If you’re a fan of local art and music, you...

By Sean Leary Absolutely no other organization like this anywhere, any place. In a storied history that began as a Sash and Door Works, traveled through time as a notorious Millwork company, was decimated multiple times by fire and then finally rebuilt...

By Sean Leary A dream in living color gives the Quad Cities ballet. Ballet Quad-Cities began twenty-one years ago, with one paid dancer, $25,000 in seed money, and the dream burning in the heart of founder and director Joedy Cook to bring...

By Tracy Jacks Eatery has filled downtown streets with alluring Italian aromas for 25 years. Downtown Rock Island just wouldn’t be downtown without the alluring smell of Italian cuisine in the air, and you can trace it straight to the iconic pizza...

By Courtney Loftin Stars align to bring the vision for this salon to light. Lavish Salon and Spa is a gem nestled on a historic block of downtown Rock Island, just steps away from our local theaters and favorite restaurants. Maybe you’ve...