Wisenheimer is an uncensored, long form improv comedy show featuring a foursome of veteran improvisers who create intelligent and memorable scenes during their show. Tickets at comedysportzqc.com (220 19th Street).
Wisenheimer is an uncensored, long form improv comedy show featuring a foursome of veteran improvisers who create intelligent and memorable scenes during their show. Tickets at comedysportzqc.com (220 19th Street).
Do you have a tech question? We'll help, by providing individualized assistance on technology, including questions about personal devices. Get help with e-mail, social media, internet, general questions, etc. Help offered on a first come, first served basis. Drop ins...
Manny Lopez and his 13-piece big band will be performing all your favorites from such legendary artists as Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Henry Mancini, and Stan Kenton, just to name a few. Tickets at thecirca21speakeasy.com (1818 3rd Avenue).
Second Friday of each month, The ARTery & Gallery West Meet the featured ARTists while enjoying live music, snacks, drinks and new art from 6:00-9:00pm (1629 2nd Avenue).
Each Friday and Saturday of the month, The Establishment Two teams of comedians competing for points and laughs. A referee calls the fouls and keeps the match on track. The audience plays the judge and decides the winners. Tickets at...
Friday, February 09, 2018 PENA BROTHERS Blues Show starts at 9:00PM
$5-10 sliding scale | all ages 8p doors | 9p show FINALLY SOME ACTION / retrowave duo finallysomeaction.bandcamp.com CLOSET WITCH / iowa screamo closetwitch.bandcamp.com LIV CARROW / badass songstress livcarrowmusic.bandcamp.com ALYSSA PEARSON / new qc wordsmith bring feminine health and hygiene...
January 12, February 9, March 9, The Establishment Improvisers present an all-new "lost" play by Shakespeare. Blending classic iambic pentameter and vernacular vulgarity, this show is hilarious, not high brow. You will love it! Tickets at comedysportzqc.com (220 19th Street).
Date: February 10, 2018 Time: Doors open at 12 p.m. (noon) for early access ticket holders. General admission is from 1-4 p.m. OVER 35 LOCAL, REGIONAL, AND NATIONAL BREWERIES WILL BE SAMPLING THEIR BEVERAGES. ADMISSION GIVES YOU 3 HOURS OF...
Each Friday and Saturday of the month, The Establishment Two teams of comedians competing for points and laughs. A referee calls the fouls and keeps the match on track. The audience plays the judge and decides the winners. Tickets at...